CERIMED ongoing projects
TECHNICAL PROJECTS (listed in alphabetical order)
In addition to the technical pilot and the educational projects listed above, nine CERIMED clinical research projects have been validated by the Technical Committee of the Clinical Investigation Centre of Marseilles (CIC) and have been included into the Clinical unit of CERIMED since July 2008 :
Four (4) in neurosciences:
- Set up of a normative neuroimaging database for healthy subjects.
- Repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation of motor cortex in fibromyalgia: double-blind randomized prospective study for the evaluation of the analgesic efficacy and its metabolic correlation with 18- FDG PET.
- Brain metabolism study during spontaneous crisis of vascular algia of the face.
- Sporadic Alzheimer disease with early and late onset: study of the variation of the clinical, biological and radiological phenotypes with regards to the age of the symptom onsets.
Four (4) in cancer:
- Evaluation of thyroid nodules by elastography coupled to echography (this study has been completed).
- Optimization of the acoustic specifications of echographic and elastographic scanning modes of a prototype US scanner for breast imaging.
- Assessment of the clinical value of SuperSonic shear wave elastography in the US evaluation of breast lesions.
- Translational studies on the expression of glucose transporters (GLUT1 and GLUT3) in human glioblastomas: correlation with metabolic imaging (PET-CT) and prognosis impact.
One in cardiology:
- Evaluation of heart CT with dypyridamole injection in the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia: comparison with scintigraphy as the gold standard.