The CERIMED Mission and Vision
Cerimed is offering in a unique site a space of synergy and discussions between the different disciplines of medical imaging sciences in close relation with industry. The goal is to create in Europe a pole of excellence regrouping the necessary competences and infrastructures to conduct an ambitious R&D program on the design and validation of new generations of imaging systems, which are likely to contribute in a decisive manner to the solution of some of the public health problems.
The most essential measures are:
- Create a synergie between available competences in Europe
- Give a focus on existing networks (for instance Crystal Clear, French Canceropoles, OpenGATE,etc)
- Create and promote a multidiciplinary community working in the field of medical imaging and involving medical doctors, biologists, physicists and industrial representatives.
- Create a dynamic process in close connection with a strong education pole
- Create incentives for innovation and favor the european industry in this field
- Create a strong european leadership in molecular imaging technology
Our vision of Cerimed is:
- The creation of a european center of excellence in Molecular Imaging with a particular emphasis on PET & Multimodality
- A strong and sustained recognition at the european level
- Building a center of excellence around six poles:
- Technical development
- Clinical applications
- Imaging for biological research
- Development of radio tracers
- Industry
- Education and training
Combined MRI and PET image from a human brain (Courtesy of ???)